Field trips, class parties and celebrations are planned regularly for every level and are specifically designed for integration into the curriculum.

Field Trips

Field trips are planned for each level centred on a theme, skill or concept. Activities are planned prior to, during and after the field trip to enable the children to link their experiences to their learning. Field trips also promote the development of group awareness, respect, appreciation and a sense of wonder of the world around them.

Class Parties

Class parties are a unique part of the Chengzhu Mandarin Kindergarten programme. Our parties revolve around a specific area of learning and actively involve our children in planning and preparation. Through group activities, the children form and maintain friendships, co-operate and negotiate with their peers, develop empathy and practice self-regulation. Class parties are a great way to bring closure to a term’s work.


We place strong significance in milestones, cultural and national events because we believe such celebrations provide wonderful opportunities for children to learn about the traditions and values that are cherished by people. They learn to respect and gain a deeper understanding of the different cultures represented in Malaysia, which is why in Chengzhu Mandarin Kindergarten, special performances and assemblies are an important part of all celebrations.